• Post published:April 19, 2015

TRM Ambassador Steve Guerdat,  this weekend, recorded a prestigious win in the 2015 Longines FEI World Cup which took place in Las Vegas.

In one of the tightest finishing scores ever seen in the famous competition, wiss Olympic champion Steve Guerdat with Albfuehren’s Paille managed to claim the championship by a single point. In the second round, featuring the top 20 riders, Ireland’s Bertram Allen and  France’s Penelope Leprevost each had a fence down, both now with nine penalties, which left Guerdat with two fences in hand. In the last jumping round of the Finals, the Swiss rider managed to dislodge two poles, leaving him on a total of eight penalty points, thereby winning the championship by a single point.

After years of having first place in sight but just out of reach Guerdat gave credit to his horse. “I like that she is a real fighter. I know that today in the championship, a lot of horses were struggling, so you really needed a fighter if you wanted to do the job. She knows her job, and every time she sees a fence, she wants to clear it, no matter how. So that’s her biggest quality, and I think she really deserves my hat off to her today.”

Read more on Steve here: www.trmireland.wpengine.com/ambassador/steve-guerdat/