It may be a little quieter on the farms at the moment, the clam before the storm that is the ‘breeding season’, but now is the time to take action to ensure a successful 2023 breeding season.
Particularly in the thoroughbred sector early foaling dates are a distinct advantage when it comes to foal and weanling sales down the road. Getting your broodmares to commence cycling earlier naturally can be assisted by good nutrient and diet.
There are a number of things that can be done to imitate an early spring such as the use of light therapy, heat and spring grass! However, the ‘spring grass factor’ may not be the easiest.
That is why TRM® have developed – BETA CAROTENE, FOLIC ACID & VITAMIN E; All these nutrients occur freely in nature, and are especially high in spring grass. During the early months of the breeding season, levels of these vitamins drop well below normal requirements.
TRM® have formulated this unique complementary feed, which is designed exclusively for breeders, to help condition their mares for the winter breeding season.
Though its primary function is as the major pro-vitamin A source, as an antioxidant, Beta-carotene has been shown to enhance immunity and be beneficial to reproduction.
In the horse and other species, Beta-carotene supplementation has been shown to enhance reproduction (Van der Holst 1984, Brief and Chew, 1985, Michal et al. 1994, Chew et al. 1994).
Fertility, especially of females, can be improved through the consumption of adequate Beta -carotene. Reduced Beta-carotene intake occurs mainly when horses do not have access to feedstuffs containing high levels of Beta -carotene, such as lush, green grass.
TRM®’s ‘BETA CAROTENE, FOLIC ACID & VITAMIN E’ contains micronized Beta Carotene to enhance the intact absorption of this macromolecule.
Fed daily it will aid in the improvement of your horses skin and coat condition, giving a healthy bloom and look of vitality.
Vitamin E is an important antioxidant, which also has roles in fertility. Vitamin E is beneficial to young rapidly growing foals, pregnant mares, stallions, and all high-performance horses.
Horses do not produce vitamin E themselves; it must come from their diet. Grass, which maybe scarce at this time of year, contains a lot of easily absorbable vitamin E. Horses that are used for breeding have a higher need for vitamin E and can become deficient if they are not on fresh grass and do not receive a supplement.
Folic Acid, also known as folate or Vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in DNA synthesis, methionine production and cellular growth and development.
It is particularly important for supporting cell turnover during periods of rapid growth such as fetal development.
To prepare for successful 2023 breeding season the time to act is now and supplement both baron and in foal mares with TRM®’s ‘BETA CAROTENE, FOLIC ACID & VITAMIN E’ to support the preparation for oestrus and reproduction.