We’re starting to see some chillier weather in the northern hemisphere. How does this affect the way we should feed & care for our horses?
Now is the time to treat horses with health care products to combat the seasonal change as we move from the cold, dry climate in the Autumn into the icy, wet Winter. Follow the 𝗧𝗥𝗠® Winter Care Programme to ensure optimal Equine Nutrition and Care for your horse.
These are the top 3 feed room essentials we recommend
CURRAGH CARRON OIL - Omega Enriched Digestive Aid
SYNBIOVIT - Hind Gut Health
To assist in the change of seasons – reduced pasture, longer time spent in the stable & a possible modification in diet, it is highly advisable to consider a Synbiotic (probiotic & prebiotic supplement) to ensure there are optimum levels of fibre-digesting bacteria in the hindgut. This will help avoid possible bouts of colic due to sudden changes in environment and diet.
During times of stress: travelling, competing, illness.
After antibiotic treatment, when hindgut bacterial populations have been diminished.
Young horses with incomplete bacterial populations.
For horses moving stables or starting a new feeding regime
EQUIZAL - Equine Barrier Cream